INCLUDED: Procedures and Invoice + when and why they are used.

Rectal ultrasound scan - Invoice: Repro-follicle test
To accurately time breeding, check ovulation and examine the uterus for infection/inflammation/overall health.
Uterine Swab +/- Clitoral swab - Invoice: Repro-uterine swab
This is a requirement for most thoroughbred mares to be live covered. It assesses the uterus and clitoris for the presence of infection and inflammation. It won’t always be performed for AI but will be if an infection is suspected.
Uterine Lavage - Invoice: Uterine flush
Uterine lavage is required in many mares pre and post breeding to remove fluid and/or debris from the uterus.
Pregnancy scan - Invoice: Pregnancy scan, pregnancy test, ultrasound for pregnancy
We carry out pregnancy scans at 14, 28 (mid) and 45 (final) days to ensure the fetus is developing correctly. Mares cannot safely carry multiple pregnancies; therefore, early scans are vital for detecting twins. When multiple ovulations have occurred, extra scans might be advised to ensure twins are not missed. It is not always possible to detect twins in some circumstances.
Twin Pinch - Invoice: Squeeze twin
If a mare is found to be carrying multiple pregnancies, we will reduce one of these by popping the vesicle. This might require your mare to have ongoing medication that will incur extra cost.
Caslick - Invoice: Repro-caslick
The caslick procedure is a simple surgery done standing with local anesthetic to correct poor vulval conformation and prevent the passage of faeces into the uterus. These need to be opened before foaling.
Uterine Cytology - Invoice: Pathology- Cytology (SEC)
Cytology can let us assess what cells are present within the uterus. Often, we find white bloods cells and bacteria which can indicate inflammation and/or infection.
Uterine culture +/- sensitivity - Invoice: Uterine swab culture, uterine flush culture, Pathology- culture and sensitivity (SEC)
We culture uterine swabs or flushes on special medium in the incubator for 48 hours. This allows us to identify any bacteria growing in the uterus and makes sure we treat it with the correct antibiotic based off the sensitivity.
Prostaglandin ‘PG’ - Invoice: Estrumate per ml, Lutalyse per ml
This is a very effective hormone to bring mares back into season quicker than they would naturally (i.e. short cycle them). It can also be used to help clear fluid from the uterus prior to breeding.
Oxytocin ‘Oxy’ - Invoice: Oxytocin per ml
Oxytocin is a hormone with multiple uses in the mare. It is used to help clear fluid and debris from the uterus pre and post breeding. It can be given multiple times a day.
Ovulation Hormones - Invoice: Deslorelin per ml, Chorulon per 2500IU dose
These hormones help us accurately time ovulation with insemination. Ovulation is the process which releases the egg, allowing for fertilization. Frozen semen needs to be inseminated at or within a few hours of ovulation and fresh/chilled is best insemination 12-24 hours before ovulation.

NOT INCLUDED: Procedures and Invoice + when and why they are used.

Intrauterine treatment - Invoice: Repro-uterine infusion
If the uterine culture has identified an infection, we will treat this appropriately with antibiotics or other treatments such as hydrogen peroxide, DMSO and acetylcysteine, often for multiple days.
Uterine Biopsy - Invoice: Take uterine biopsy, pathology-uterine biopsy histopathology and culture
This is reserved for difficult mares or mares with a history of pregnancy loss. A sample of uterus will be taken and sent off for analysis where any underlying conditions can be identified. The uterus will also be graded on the likelihood of the mare carrying a pregnancy to term.
Oviduct Flush - Invoice: Apply prostaglandin to tip of uterine horn
Another technique that can be used for difficult baron mares that have a history of not getting pregnant without obvious reasons (e.g. infection, poor quality semen). Prostaglandin is applied to the tip of their oviduct to dilate and clean it out. This is usually done after breeding or during early estrus.

Q & A

Where do you do castrations?
If you are able to transport your colt or stallion it is preferable to castrate them at the clinic, this will also save you travel costs. However, we do do castrations at your farm or property. We require a flat, preferably grassy area to castrate. If there is inclement weather then shelter is required.
How long does the procedure take?
Whether we perform a standing castrate or one under general anaesthetic the procedure itself only takes approximately 20 minutes, however it can then take another hour in some cases for your horse to recover if it has a general anaesthetic.
What is the best age to castrate?
Anytime from 6 months of age. Mature colts or stallions are slightly more difficult to castrate and carry a higher general anaesthetic risk therefore we usually recommend getting them done around 12 months of age.
What is the best time of year?
It does not matter for your colt what time of year he is castrated, however, due to the busy nature of the breeding season (August-December) it may be more difficult to schedule a time for the procedure to be done. Therefore, we highly recommend getting them castrated in the off season.
What is the post-operative care?
• Closely monitor for bleeding over the next 24 hours (a dripping tap is ok, but a running stream is not ok). • Ensure there is nothing hanging from the wound site. • Monitor for increased swelling for the next 14 days. • After the first 24 hours encourage gentle exercise. If the horse is reluctant to move, placing them in a paddock with another horse, or lunging them daily may be suitable. If you have any concern regarding your horse’s recovery from this procedure, contact the clinic immediately on 5799 1441.

Q & A

Can I leave my stallion at the clinic?
Of course! We have two specific stallion yards with their own shelters that are separate from other horses.
Do you collect for fresh and chilled insemination?
Yes, our experienced team can collect and analyse semen for fresh, chilled and frozen storage.
Do you freeze and store the semen at the clinic?
We can both freeze to store elsewhere and freeze to store in the clinic in liquid nitrogen tanks.
How do you analyse the semen?
We analyse semen in several ways to assess concentration, motility and morphology. We do this by manual inspection under the microscope and using our Minitube AndroScope semen assessment machine.
How is semen collected?
Semen is collected in an artificial vagina, known as an AV. We place it on the stallion’s penis while he jumps either a teaser mare or a dummy mare, depending on the stallions requirements.
How long does it take to train a stallion to jump a phantom?
It is very stallion dependant, some will pick it up quickly, in a couple of attempts, while some stallions may take weeks to train.